Electronic equipments manufacturing as progressive small scale industry
Electrical and electronic products manufacturing is a perfect business for entrepreneurs having technical skills and knowledge. The electrical and electronics business comprised of various sectors like electronic components, computer and office equipments, industrial electronics, consumer appliances and communication equipments. Electric equipments manufacturing industry has two segments namely generation equipments like boilers, turbines and generators and transmission and distribution equipments like transformers, cables, transmission lines, switch gears, capacitors, surge arresters, instrument transformers, stamping and lamination, industrial electronics, energy meters, winding wires, indicating instruments etc.
We have provided highly profitable businesses for small entrepreneurs. These businesses are small scale industry basis and require small capital.
Air Compressor Manufacturing: Air compressor is used widely in many situations. It is an important item for corner gas stations to major manufacturing plants. Compressors have different sized models to handle different types of jobs. They are used in inflating pool toys to powering tools like nail guns, impact wrenches, sanders, drills, staplers and spray guns. You can start manufacturing as a small scale industry.
Battery manufacturing: Battery manufacturing process is not a complex process and you can start either fully automatic unit or semi automatic unit. You should take clearance from pollution control board before stating the business.
Boosters and voltage stabilizers business: These products have applications in consumer electronics as well as in industrial electronics. You can start a small scale manufacturing plant and it involves a very simple process.
Capacitor manufacturing process: It is used generally in electrical circuit for charge storage and can be discharged any time according to the need. Commercial operation is a profitable business and financially feasible.
Cathode ray tube manufacturing process: CRT uses a large, heavy, deep and fragile glass for safety purpose. The face is made from thick lead glass which is shatter resistant and blocks most of the X-Ray emissions particularly in consumer products. You can start this business with low capital.
Cooling solutions manufacturing: There is a good market of industrial coolers in India with a growing rate of 25-30 % annually. You can install industrial cooling in commercial buildings like airports, retail store etc. There is a great demand of cooling units in corporate word.
Electrical control panel manufacturing: It is very much important in industrial electrification process. It is required to regulate the functioning of the electrical equipments. In industrial applications you can find electrical panels fitted with electrical relays to protect electrical equipments from being damaged by short circuit or overloading. There are different types of electrical panels open type, enclosed type and semi enclosed type. Electrical panels indicate the parameters like voltage, current, PF and frequency on the face of the electrical panels. Electrical panels regulates the supply with the help of switchgears and circuit breakers.
Electrical switches socket plugs manufacturing: electrical switches socket plugs are the consumer items for household applications. These are not limited to only households but also have commercial applications. You can start the business with small capital investment. There are different types of electrical switches for different types of applications. Electrical sockets connect the appliances with the power supply which makes them ready to operate. You can pair electrical sockets with electrical plugs for the proper functioning of industrial as well as domestic electrical appliances.